Catering like a professional isn't only about being a good cook.
In fact, great food is super important but is only one part of the bigger pie of being a professional caterer.

In our experience, catering is made up of the following parts:

ONE - Fresh, tasty food, eye-pleasing plating 35%
TWO - Great service, impeccable planning and organization 30%
THREE - Excellent back-office and administration 35%

None of the above will work without all the other parts in place. I KNOW you've got number one down. You can make a mouth-watering, melt-in-your-mouth roast or a "to-die-for" lemon meringue pie. I'm sure you hire the best service people and know how to plan out your day of catering and pack the truck like a puzzle, not forgetting a thing.

BUT - how is your office administration running?
ABOUT image
  • Are you/your secretaries keeping up with party inquiries? 
  • Are they getting back to potential customers in a timely manner?
  • Do they have the knowledge and experience to not only answer questions but also suggest ideas that the client didn't think of?
  • Are they coming up with creative, innovative, professional-looking menu proposals to send out? Or are the menus full of grammar and formatting mistakes? 
  • Are the foods the same old, same old?
  • Do you offer upgrades to your customers that can bring in extra revenue, like custom-designed menu cards or creative and cute seating place cards? 
  • Are you sending out invoices and receiving deposits and balances paid in full BEFORE the party, instead of running after the customer after the party is finished?
If not, you just might need the help of Top Party Pros - a division of RightClick Professional Assistants.

Check out what we can do for you! 


Professionally formatted, modern, stand-out menu proposals with new menu item suggestions and descriptions that will catch the eye of your potential client, make their mouth water, and make you unforgettable!


We will invoice your client well in advance of their event, securing a hefty deposit and making sure the balance is paid in full before the event. No more running after them for weeks or months to collect payment!


Our social media experts will design and post beautiful pictures and descriptions from your own parties. With our expertise, your fan base will grow, leading to more clients!


Want to make a bigger splash? How about sending out a gorgeous flyer every now and then, inviting your mailing list to make an order or reminding them that you exist. Or have you wanted to make a monthly newsletter with recipes or cooking tips but just haven't gotten to it? Well now you don't have to! We will create the perfect marketing resources for you!


There are so many ways you can offer your clients more services or tangible items that will increase the beauty and enjoyment of their event, and keep it in-house for you. One of those are menu cards by each seat. We will design them and arrange for printing and delivery to your office.


We can set up your document folder so all you have to do is print and pack into the truck! You'll have the room/table layout, BEO, guest lists, and more all ready to go.